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 "Amazon Associates is an most important earning part of affiliate marketing So, It is called the affiliate marketing program that allows website owners and bloggers to create links and earn referral fees when customers click through and buy products from Amazon."


We provide tech tutorial about creating amazon affiliate marketing link for online earning money without skills. You Known that vision of making money online attracts a whole lot of people."

Amazon started as an online bookstore. Today, however, things have changed . The platform offers not only the sale of products, but also allows you to set up your own online store. The target audience here are no longer poets and readers. Amazon publishers can not only be authors of best-selling novels, but also baristas, graphic designers, and even nail stylists.

Note-  Just remember that Amazon's guidelines prohibit the use of the link in offline promotions, email, and eBooks or PDFs. As with most marketing and sales, quality content is at the heart of success. Ensure you're attracting your audience with quality content and share relevant affiliate links with them on your site or YouTube channel.

Get Started Affiliate Marketing With Amazon Affiliate Program in 2022

Generally speaking, applying for the Amazon Affiliate program and becoming an associate isn’t really the hard part. The problem is making enough sales so that you can turn your passion project into a source of income.

The Amazon Affiliate program is an excellent way to turn a side passion into a source of passive income. Choose a niche, write product-centric content, and include contextual affiliate links, and you’ll be sure to grow your Amazon Affiliate income to astronomical levels.

Getting started with the Amazon Associates Program is extremely easy. The process begins with an intuitive registration (or login) to your Amazon account: link . In order to run your campaign, you will need a blog, a website or a YouTube channel. Once you are prepared, take the following steps:

  1. Answer the questions: What do I want to promote? What is my niche? What can I offer to my audience? Why is it worth cooperating with me? Clarifying your purpose will be useful to you in the application process.
  2. Fill in all the information on your account carefully. Verify it and enter the store ID of your choice (it usually corresponds to the name of your primary site).
  3. Show where you get your website traffic from. What are your current traffic stats?
  4. Decide on the payment method now or take this decision later.
  5. Now just wait for Amazon to approve your application. If your website meets the requirements, you should be accepted into the program shortly.
  6. After you’ve been accepted, you can access your Amazon Associates page. Through the dash, you’ll see more details such as monthly summaries and commission overviews. At this moment, you can start creating affiliate links.

How to create affiliate marketing link on the any website;

1. Firstly Create a any website or blog:

To become an Amazon Associate, you must have an active website, blog, app, or YouTube channel. It's also helpful if you've pre-populated that site with content, so it appears active and authentic to both users and Amazon.

Generally speaking, applying for the Amazon Affiliate program and becoming an associate isn’t really the hard part. The problem is making enough sales so that you can turn your passion project into a source of income.

Note:- Becoming an Amazon Associate isn’t a good idea if your website is about home improvement, beauty products, and novel writing all at the same time. To ensure you can make the most out of your affiliate partnership with Amazon, choose a single ecommerce niche for your website.

Remember, you must be able to describe the purpose of your website as part of the application process. So, have a firm idea of why you're creating your site, the audience you'll target, and how you'll bring in traffic.

2. Navigate to the Amazon Associates homepage and click Sign Up button:

In order to become an Amazon affiliate, you'll need to create your Amazon Associates account. To do that, visit the Amazon Associates homepage and click Sign Up. From there, you'll be prompted to log in to your existing Amazon account or create one.


3. Now Enter your account information:

Fill your account info (including the name, address, and phone number of the payee).


4. Now, Enter your website address:

Enter your any website address, apps, YouTube channels, Blogger etc.


5. After that Enter your preferred store ID:

Enter your preferred store ID (usually the same as your primary website name), explain what your websites hope to accomplish, and select Amazon topics your links will likely target.


6. How to increase Traffic for Your Affiliate Sites:

How you drive traffic to your websites with good income, how you use your website or apps to generate income, how you usually build links, and how many visitors your site brings in each month.


7. Now, Choose your payment method:

Choose whether to enter your payment (credit card) and tax ID information now or later. Then proceed to your dashboard.


8. After that Create Amazon Affiliate links:

Once you've created your account, you'll be sent to your personal Associate homepage. This is where you'll find your performance dashboard (including an earnings overview, monthly summary, and total clicks).

This dashboard image is also where you'll search for relevant products to link to from your content. Here Now.

--> A Simpler way provide to you, How to Create an Amazon Affiliate Link, Some important Steps are following;


--> In the Another way, You can use the Amazon Associates SiteStripe for generate Amazon Affiliate links:

A simpler way to generate your Amazon Affiliate Links is by using the SiteStripe bar that shows up on product pages when you're logged in to your Amazon Affiliate Panel.

Now, Just click the on Text button in the Get Link selector. Then copy the generated link that is provided in the popup.

How does the Amazon Affiliate Program work on your website:

In the Amazon Affiliate program, associates earn commission by creating unique product links, promoting the links on their website, and driving referral traffic back to amazon. how it amazon affiliate program works as below;

  • --> Website owners create an Amazon Affiliate account on the platform.
  • --> Amazon gives each website owner a unique Associate ID.
  • --> Once the application has been approved, associates can begin creating affiliate links in their Amazon portal.
  • --> Associates then place the links in blog posts or other parts of their website.
  • --> Once someone clicks the link and makes a purchase, the associate earns commission.

What is Amazon affiliate commission;

Your partnership with Amazon is in full swing. You’ve attracted more traffic to your website. When will the commission reach your wallet? Unfortunately, you won’t make any money if a buyer cancels an order before shipping it. The same is true if the product is returned. If the final goal isn’t reached and the customer is not satisfied with their investment, the commission will be deducted from your earnings.


Everything has gone as you expected, and your salary is on its way. The money will automatically go into your account. Amazon pays the author or publisher 60 days after the end of each month’s sales by direct deposit, Amazon gift card, or check. Check out the the Amazon Associates Program and get information on how to create a world-class business using basic tools.

After you’ve read about affiliate marketing on Amazon, you might be interested in learning how much you can make with it. 

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Editor's Note: This post was originally published in date of 09-Oct-2022 and has been updated for comprehensiveness.


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